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Japan to allow import of gene-edited wheat
There is no gene-edited wheat being commercially grown in the U.S. yet, but that day could come soon, and that's why U.S. Wheat Associates is pleased with Japan's apparent acceptance of the technology.
Japan's Consumer Affairs Agency has decided that food made from gene-edited plants does not need special labels, and that's good news for U.S. farmers who count on massive Japanese demand for imports.
"Gene editing provides a safe and efficient way to make targeted improvements in new wheat varieties that respond to environmental stressors, combat plant disease, and benefit millers and consumers alike," says a new USW report.
"However, these benefits are only possible when regulations are based in science rather than rooted in fear."
Delaware-based Calyxt is using gene editing to develop wheat that will produce flour with three times as much fiber as traditional flour. The company hopes to have it on the market in 2022.
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