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Registration of 16 generic pesticides released by Brazilian MAPA

A list of a record 16 generic formulated pesticides or products that will effectively be available for use by Brazilian farmers has been published in Act No. 60 of the Department of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs of the Secretariat for Agricultural Defense, in the Federal Official Gazette.


Among the registered products, three of them are composed of microorganisms such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Trichoderma harzianum, which are biological agents of pest control that attack Brazilian crops.


“The novelty is that they are the first product registrations that use the two biological assets in a mixture. This enhances the effect of controlling biological assets on controlled pests, generating greater efficiency,” explains Bruno Breitenbach, general coordinator of Pesticides and Related Products. Registered products are recommended for the control of Rhizoctonia solaniSclerotinia sclerotiorumDeois flavopicta and Euschistus heros.


All products use active ingredients previously registered in the country. The registration of generic pesticides is important to decrease market concentration and increase competition, which results in fairer trade and lower production costs for Brazilian agriculture.


In 2020, 63 products were considered to be of low impact (biological and organic). This is the largest number of product registrations in this profile in the same year.


All registered products were analyzed and approved by the bodies responsible for health, environment and agriculture, according to scientific criteria and in line with the best international practices.

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